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Home Selling Guide

 Home Selling Guide

Selling a home right now can be done by anyone. Support with much information that can be found through the Internet, one person can sell his or her home either by a real estate agent or selling the home by himself or herself. The high technology that you can find anywhere can be a tool for you to sell your home fast and at a reasonable price, etc.

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But, whether you want to buy with agents or by yourself, you need some guides in selling a home. There are steps in selling your home. Those guides really help you. Never underestimate them because they have a lot of impact on your selling home performance.

These are some quick guidance to sell your home:

1. Preparation; show the very best condition of your home

Here is the first step to sell your home. Make the best first impression to your buyers so that they are attracted to buy your home. Get rid of dirt and rubbish, remove all clutter, repair all flaws of your home, and get rid of unused furniture to make it look spacious

2. Pricing your home effectively 

A home that is priced right and reasonable will sell in a short time. You can use a third-party service to give suggestions about your home's value and the furniture in it. Don't price too low that it will cost you more money, yet never also set a high price that you will lose your potential buyers

3. When To Sell

You also have to know the right time to sell your home. You surely want to sell your home in good economic condition and strong demand for houses, which tends to be stronger in June and July. If you sell your home at the right time and a good preparation, you will get the highest price for your home than your prediction

4. A Bit About The Costs Involved

You should also involved in any costs that you have spent in selling your home, whether it is attorney costs, closing costs, advertisements costs, etc

5. Selling Privately

Selling a home by yourself is not as easy as it seems but it is worth doing because you can save about 2-6% of your selling price. Selling a home privately is surely going to take much time and effort for you to sell it.

6. Selling At Auction

Selling at an auction can also be an option. But it is not a suggested option because it will cost you more money and also it is a volatile way of selling your home

7. Get a real estate lawyer 

You can make the flow of documents so easy and have professional advice by getting a real estate lawyer in your selling process

8. Marketing your home

There are many ways to market your home:

Writing your sell ad

Home Photos:  a picture can describe a thousand-word

Lawn signs

Open houses

Home Brochures/Information sheets

The MLS (Multiple Listing Service) provided by the agents

You are your home's best salesman

9. Negotiating an offer on your home

10. Home inspections 

11. Closing 

These guides will help you to sell your home. Never hesitate to ask for professional advice if you encounter some problems while you are in the middle of the selling process.

Good luck and have a nice day J

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